Deno Newsletter #4
Welcome to the fourth issue of Deno Newsletter!
Every week we will serve you with a bunch of useful links for every Deno enthusiast.
Don't forget to join discussion on Deno's official Gitter channel!
If you encounter anything Deno related that you want to share with community, mention us on Twitter @DenoNews, or just respond to this mail.
There were no releases this week, but we can assure you that great things are coming for Deno and its standard library for v0.3 release, including:
- configurable environmental variables for subprocess (deno#1773)
- Deno available as global namespace (deno#1748)
- Deno.execPath returning current executable path (deno#1743)
- window.location (deno#1761)
- fs.walk (deno_std#192)
- support for colors in log module (deno_std#175)
- pretty printed diffs in tests (deno_std#187)
- HTTP server redesign (deno_std#188)
UUID module for deno.
A linq-like lazy-evaluation enumerable/iteration library that aims to support deno, node & browser
Formats a tree structure into a string that can be printed
GitHub - kt3k/deno_license_checker
CLI tool for checking license headers in files
A tool to install executable deno script.
GitHub - lucascaro/denoversion
Deno cli to manage and bump release versions.
Thanks for reading, see you next week with more news!
- Bartek