Deno Newsletter #15 - custom tsconfig.json, CLI changes

Welcome to Deno Newsletter issue #15!

Every Monday we serve you with a bunch of useful information and links for every Deno enthusiast.

Don't forget to join discussion on Deno's official Gitter channel!

If you encounter anything Deno related that you want to share with community, mention us on Twitter @DenoNews, or just respond to this mail.


Note: Deno is moving to new versioning scheme in which minor version number will be incremented each week.

Last week there were two releases:

Important changes:

  • Support for custom tsconfig.json (#2089)
  • "deno run" subcommand (#2215)
  • "deno xeval" subcommand (#2260)
  • "--no-fetch" CLI flags to prevent remote modules downloads (#2213)
  • Deno.utime/Deno.utimeSync (#2241)
  • Performance improvements and memory leak fixes (#2259, #2238)
  • V8 upgrade to 7.6.53 (#2236)

Changes in standard library:

  • Improvements to HTTP cookie handling (#368, #359)

Full list of changes can be seen here.

Make sure to update your CLI usage as "deno script.ts" no longer works, instead use "deno run script.ts".


GitHub - denolib/node

Compatibility layer between node and deno.

GitHub - zekth/deno-case-style

A string validator and formater for case Style

GitHub - aynik/deno-chunked

A set of functions to read `ArrayBuffer` chunk by chunk or buffered until EOF.

Thanks for reading, see you next week with more news!

- Bartek

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