Deno July Update: faster web servers in 1.35, templates in Deno Deploy, and more

Hey everyone! We're experimenting with a new format for these newsletters, aiming for a monthly cadence.

This issue covers Deno 1.35, quick start templates on Deno Deploy, Fresh 1.2, the Deno KV hackathon, and more.


Simplified, performant web servers in Deno 1.35

Deno 1.35 stabilizes Deno.serve() so you can start a performant, secure web server in a single line:

Deno.serve(req => new Response("Hello world"));

This release also adds support for highly anticipated npm packages, such as aws-sdk, astro, puppeteer, redis, and more.

Read the full announcement →

Quick start templates in Deno Deploy

screenshot of quickstart template in deno deploy

Host your next project on Deno Deploy faster than ever with ready made templates such as a full-stack Fresh app, Oak web server, and more.

Read the full announcement →

Fresh 1.2 comes with a full-time maintainer

fresh cover image

With the added ability to state between islands, new limited npm support, and a Preact/server-side frameworks expert as a full-time maintainer, the future of Fresh is brighter than ever.

Read the full announcement or watch the video →

From the Community

Deno KV Hackathon

deno kv hackathon cover image

We held a Deno KV Hackathon, a full week of livestreams and coding, and received 29 submissions. Some of the winning projects include KV chopper, Notifire, Reddino, Crux X, and Stone Bone and Cone.

Read the full announcement →

Community #Showcase

Everyday there’s a new website, framework, or library built with Deno. Here’s a (very incomplete) list of projects.

Single-player version of Battleship
detris is a feature-rich, server-side implementation of Tetris written in Deno with Deno KV
A thin wrapper to @testing-library/preact for testing a Fresh application

For more projects (or if you’d like to share yours), join the Discord’s #showcase channel.

Other Deno updates

The Deno team shipped a ton of other resources this month. Check them out below:

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