#47: v1.24, FFI, and more Fresh resources

In this issue, we dive into v1.24, explore FFI (now 200x faster), and check out some new Fresh resources!

Articles and Resources

Deno v1.24The Deno Authors — Introducing some exciting new features such as support for unhandledrejection and beforeunload, 200x faster FFI calls, and more. Don’t want to read? Check out our short video recap.

Fresh: Blazingly Fast React (Youtube)Jack Herrington — An excellent, comprehensive intro to Fresh, React, and the islands architecture concept.

Using deno_blog for a perfect PageSpeed ScoreJohn L. Carveth — A walkthrough on using deno_blog and hosting it on Digital Ocean.

How to Interface With C/C++/Rust Using Javascript & Deno - An Deno FFI Tutorial (Youtube)JSimplified — An introduction to Deno FFI that shows examples about passing data to and from JavaScript and custom C functions.

Fetching data using Deno Fresh Web Framework - It's Hyper Fast!!! (Youtube)Eric David Smith — A live coding tutorial on fetching data in Fresh.

Code and Tools

  • fresh-seo — The fastest way to generate a sitemap for your Fresh project.
  • sentry_deno — An unofficial port of Sentry SDK for Deno.
  • rss_exporter — Parse OPML file and export RSS feeds to a database.
  • inspect-vscode — This VSCode extension allows you to inspect your components' source code (with a cool demo in the readme).
  • Trex 1.12 — An npm-like CLI to manage the Deno dependencies.
  • botway — A framework for building and deploying a bot for Discord, Telegram, or Slack, now with Deno support.

Odds and Ends

And that’s it for this issue!

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And if you have any feedback and comments, just hit reply!

-- Andy

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