#44: Ryan's Dream Stack, Kitson Deploys to the Edge, and Asking Twitter for Ideas

In this issue, Ryan shares his dream stack and the future of web, Kitson demos deploying to the edge, and we asked twitter land for Deno ideas and improvements.

Articles and Resources

Ryan Dahl’s "My Dream Stack" talk (RemixConf 2022) Ryan Dahl — Ryan discusses his dream stack and the future of web development.

Deploying Astro on Deno Elian Van Cutsem — A quick guide on running an Astro project with Deno using Astro's SSR adapter for Deno.

Kitson’s "Deno on the Edge" talk (MelbJS Meetup) Kitson Kelly — Kitson explains why serverless edge computing is the future of web and gives a live coding demo deploying to the edge with Deno and Deno Deploy.

How to use DenoKyosuke Ito — A guide for beginners on getting started with Deno and its differences from Node.

Code and Tools

  • Runner — A Vim plugin to run files with custom TypeScript.
  • Froebel — An opinionated lodash with first-class types.
  • Hyper — A service framework leveraging ports and adapters architecture to choose your own services.
  • bettermap — An extension of the Map class with more Array-like features.
  • CustomEventTarget — A strictly-typed event emitter based on the native EventTarget Web API.
  • Validatorus — A class-based validator for Deno.
  • import_maps_codemod — Automatically add and remove import map usage in a codebase.
  • aitertools — Well-tested utility functions dealing with async iterables.
  • oak routing like nextjs — NextJS file-system routing, but for Oak.
  • Captain — A library of parsers/encoders for multiple subtitle formats.
  • Standard Notes Folder Export CLI — This is a small and simple CLI script to convert a decrypted Standard Notes Backup/Export into a structure of <tag>/<note-title>.<file-extension>.
  • Caviar — A blazing fast game engine built on top of daybreak with WebGPU bindings with desktop and web support.
  • Netlify CMS Config generator — Use TypeScript to generate Netlify CMS config.yml file.
  • Redlock — Deno's first lightweight, secure distributed lock manager utilizing the Redlock algorithm

Odds and Ends

We decided to poll twitter land for ideas and improvements and got some interesting responses!

What should we improve or add in a future Deno release that would make you say “FINALLY”?

— Deno (@deno_land) May 20, 2022

And that’s it for this issue!

Know someone who might find this useful? Please forward this to them.

And if you have any feedback and comments, just hit reply!

-- Andy

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